© 2012 West Key Properties Ltd
This is a challenging plot of land in central Tobermory. The site has three terraced areas. A building was sited on the top terrace but has long since gone. Access is from the Post Office Brae.
Two delightful detached houses sitting in their own large plots
A small development of 4/5 houses situated on three acres of Aros Park and adjoining the new Mull theatre building.
This is a protected area of outstanding beauty. Demand is expected to be very high.
Part of the Tobermory business known as KFT Ltd. For sale is the capacity of manufacture of lures and terminal tackle for angling. This tackle has won a British Design award and received many accolades in the press.
The central feature of the development is a single building in the form of a traditional Hebridean longhouse.
An overall location map of the area around Tobermory showing the position of the properties.